DebiCheck is a new type of debit order authorisation that gives payers the option to electronically accept or decline debit order mandates against their bank accounts. DebiCheck also ensures that all clients and service providers respect the terms of debit order agreements.

DebiCheck helps to protect both premium payers (like you) and service providers (like MR21) against debit order abuse.

  • DebiCheck ensures that both you and the service provider respect the terms of debit order agreements.
  • As the premium payer, you authorise your new MR21 debit order once-off, before the premium is deducted from your bank account.
  • Authorisations for your MR21 policy can be done with your bank debit card or cheque card and PIN on a point of sale device, which is available at selected MR21 branches or with selected MR21 intermediaries.
  • You may also authorise your MR21 policy through any of the electronic options provided by your bank.
  • There is no extra cost for authorising DebiCheck debit orders.
  • DebiCheck does not affect your policy but it will ensure that your policy premiums are collected on time so that you and your family can enjoy uninterrupted cover and peace of mind.

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Taking a little time now to organise your funeral cover could save you and your loved ones a great deal of stress and anxiety in the future.